art accepted happy dance

I’m not “back” on social media yet. Still busy with deadlines and such. I just popped onto email as I was expecting to hear about an art exhibit opportunity result. I’m excited now and wanted to share with you…and the result is: 2 of my artworks have been accepted for exhibit in Boston Mass! Can’t tell more details, confidentiality agreements and all. Now I have yet another deadline to return 15 pages worth of paperwork not to mention packing up the artwork!!!  But first I’m going to take a short break and do my happy dance…



5 responses to “art accepted happy dance”

    1. Thank you Laura for sharing my fun!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Excellent! You’re getting to be a national star! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tee hee!! Thanks Lorna! That means a lot coming from a star like you! 🙂

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    2. Hey, I speak only the truth!

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