In my book

I mentioned in my last post that I started a new big painting- another 18 x 24 inch one. I’ve taken it slow with many breaks to rest and ice my still-in-physical-therapy ankle. This painting was inspired by my thoughts about how our imaginations can be inspired by what we read or see in the world – how we can build our own inner worlds – when we’re courageous enough to stop and look inside our own hearts and heads. All learning is self learning – an effort to find out what oneself really deep down inside thinks and feels, the ways one authentically views the things one learns and experiences in life. I wrote a more in depth email newsletter about my thoughts here. But mostly this week I’ve just painted in short bursts…

… and painted….

… until I finished it and titled it “In My Book”

“In My Book” by Clancy – acrylic on board

This one will also join the series for upcoming exhibits via the Caplan Art Designs Gallery.

If you’ve followed me for a while by now you know what I did next… yes, I started a new painting immediately.

Speaking of what’s in books: sometimes as a public art exhibit approaches, to ward off possible attacks of shyness, I like to read complex world building speculative fiction. In such times I like long books that are expansive in scope requiring my full attention. “Anathem” by Neal Stephenson fits this nicely. It’s a gripping fun read too.

So that’s what’s been happening in my book, my world. I hope your book and world this week contains delightful things.

9 responses to “In my book”

  1. Your week seems to have been filled with creativity, either your own or consuming the work of others. May is a far too busy, over-scheduled month for me so I have had zero time for hobbies or self-care but I am counting down to summer when I will have time for such things.

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    1. I hear you!! And I hope things smooth for you in summer!! 🤞❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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    2. The academic year has determined the cycle of my life for so many decades now that I just accept the waxing and waning of personal free time for what it is.

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    3. I hear you. That was true of me too once upon a time. Nowadays I have to make a special effort myself to delineate one set of time from another and that has its own challenges. I think life just comes with challenges of one sort or another and it’s better when we’re able to be wise, as you are, and accept it for what it is. 💚💚 Hang in there please.

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  2. I love the new paintings, both capture what broadly reading has left me feeling, the wonder of a book, and the broken cage of the limited and confining world view I was raised with.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!!! And I’m so with you on breaking free from the confining worldviews we were raised with!! 💚💚💚


  3. “In My Book” is a wonderful painting! It prompted me to think about what a visual representation of “In My Book” might look like. (No image materialized, but it was nice to think about it anyway.) I think your new painting will turn out to be one of your most popular. So many of us, in one way or another, want to be that bluebird.

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    1. Your comment is so kind! Thank you!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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Thank you for reading and sharing encouragements!