Flew the coop

Last week I shared the beginning of a new painting. I continued to work on it in short bursts despite a busy week that included intense physical therapy for my ankle. Thank goodness for work stools on wheels.

As I painted I thought about the various confining worldviews I have lived within during my life until breaking free:

“Girls/women can’t do that…”

“Deaf people can’t do that…”

“LGBTQ people can’t do that…”

“People your age can’t read/do that…”

“Being nice never works…”

“Good people don’t paint animals…”

“You’re making graven images! Stop it!”

“Nobody wants happy art…”

“You don’t deserve…”

And so on… but I left that behind!! 😁

Over time you learn that other people have their stories and beliefs about you that have nothing to do with who you are or your capabilities. Their beliefs about you reflect how they wish to control or contain you within ideas that keep themselves comfortable and in control. And it’s not your responsibility to curtail who you are just so someone else won’t have to cope with new thoughts and feelings. How they feel is theirs to deal with and theirs alone. Knowing this helps you avoid emotional blackmail – you’re free to be fully yourself.

Anyway, I’ve now finished my large 18 x 24 acrylic painting and have titled it “Flew The Coop”

“Flew The Coop” – by Clancy – 18 x 24 inches- acrylic on board

This one joins the series for upcoming art exhibits via the Caplan Art Designs Gallery. The first exhibit opens in June and is coming up fast.

I’m very tired as I type this so I’ll post more later on my Substack email newsletter.

I hope you feel free to be as fully yourself as is possible this week!

8 responses to “Flew the coop”

  1. I just love this painting and its message!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very very much!! I’m delighted to hear that from you!! 💚💚💚💚

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’m seeing prints of it hanging on walls across the nation. For real!!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the painting and thank you for sharing the inspiration for it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so welcome and Thank you!! 💚💚💚💚


  3. You are a psychologist/artist. Thanks.
    PS. Do you also have hearing loss?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol! I like that “psychologist/artist”. And yes, I’m deaf.


Thank you for reading and sharing encouragements!