Colorful language

In my last post I mentioned that I was working on a smaller piece… Since Spring has begun I’ve heard more birds chattering whenever I’m outside. I’ve also been reading about birds and language use. Birds like parakeets or parrots can mimic human speechmaking fairly accurately. That thought led to thoughts about how humans mimic other humans including other humans words and phrases. There are soundbites, cliches, slogans, advertising jingles all sorts of ear worms that may or may not be helpful or even true yet when repeated often enough can take on the color of “truth” especially if they’re vivid. There are also quotes, poems, songs, stories that people memorize and sometimes share. It’s good to be careful what words one repeats because they can color one’s beliefs and actions. So all of that’s been on my mind as I worked on …

… and finished a 5 x 7 inch painting I’ve titled “Colorful Language”

“Colorful Language” by Clancy – 5 x 7 inches – gouache, ink and color pencils on board

This painting joins my collection for upcoming exhibits via the Caplan Art Designs Gallery later this year.

Then I began another painting.

Besides reading about birds and language for fun evening reading I’m eagerly, avidly devouring “Broke-Ass Women’s Club” by Sharon Sala. Here’s a link for the ebook version via the public library. It’s quite a colorful read! I love that it’s an unusual approach to the romance genre and what a love story can be – it’s a total surprise in a pleasant way.

I hope your week is happily colorful and fun.

7 responses to “Colorful language”

  1. I love the colour palette of your Colorful Language painting. And you have reminded me of a mynah that lived at our local pet store when I was growing up and who we could have (basic) conversations with. Little me thought it was pretty magical.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is really pretty magical! There’s a pet store not far from our house right now that has a mynah who says “hello pretty person” when you enter. Then the bird asks “is it raining?” And whether you say yes or no the bird replies “oh how nice, oh how nice” or “lovely day”. It’s such fun!
      And I’m glad you like my color pallette- I was playing with it. 😁
      Thank you for your delightful comment !!! ❤❤❤

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  2. I love the colorful language painting! I’d love to know what that bird is thinking. That’s quite an expression he has on his little bird face.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww thank you!!! I imagined that the bird was trying to remember some colorful phrases 😁😘❤❤

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  3. Love the new “Colorful Language” piece, had me reflecting on AI and how it’s been compared with a “stochastic parrot”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh!! Yes!! I am totally with you on “AI compared with a stochastic parrot”! It’s bad enough to see humans parroting (pardon the pun) some bully and hating others, without a moment of reflection, just hating because the bully told them to do so – but to add a machine-language that will potentially amplify a bully without any possibility of that machine having a moment of reflection is horrific.
      Thank you for your comment!!


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