Half assed

In my last post I told about finally being able to work in short bursts at my studio easel on a larger painting inspired by a conversation with our Fairy Goddaughter. She had talked about the distinction between things done “half assed” and things that were done acceptably as “good enough” meaning that while one may be aware of things that might be improved one also recognizes it’s been done as well as could be done at the time given the details of circumstances … and thus one is avoiding perfectionism and approaching contentment.

Our conversation lingered in my mind and Goddaughter’s phrase “half assed” led me to fondly remember a visit to our extended family’s place in the Oregon country where they have several donkeys. We got to meet the donkeys and pet them. Did you know donkeys can have unbelievably soft fur? Watching them eat with full attention and gusto, well, they were hardly “half assed” about it. During the family barbecue the dogs and humans also ate enthusiastically. Thistles abounded in that part of the world and were dots of glorious purple suspended above the ground. The sky was bright blue. It was all quite good enough. Humans, dogs and donkeys all were content. The donkeys walked with us and upon seeing things that were edible to them stopped to munch, completely forgetting that we were there, until we’d momentarily stop petting them. They’d look up “Why’d you stop? That felt good…”.

So all of that was on my mind as I sat on a stool and worked in short bursts at the big studio easel on this painting…

… which I finished and titled “Half Assed”.

“Half Assed” – by Clancy – 18 x 24 inches – acrylic on board

Yes, it’s a much larger sized painting than has been my usual for the last few years. This painting too is destined for art exhibits later this year via the Caplan Art Designs Gallery.

I’ve begun a new painting that is much smaller. The big one was physically difficult to do (and not be half assed about it! 🤣 pun intended 😁) so I’m working on a small 5 x 7 inch piece now…

My physical therapist for my ankle has also recently increased my list of exercises – I’m recovering that well! Thus my choice of working on a small painting so I have the capacity to do self-care and art too.

I’m also recovering from all recent exertions by reading a Miranda James cozy mystery. It’s smoothly written and quite a page turner.

I hope your week is pleasantly filled with many things that are quite good enough.

15 responses to “Half assed”

  1. I love the Half-Assed painting! The eyes are so engaging. I am glad to read that you are now making great progress with your ankle’s healing process.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m delighted you like Half Assed!! Thank you!!! I was glad to finally be able to say I’m making progress with my ankle!!! 💚💚💚

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  2. I love your introduction to the Half-Assed painting as much as I love the painting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much!! I’ve been learning from you ways to briefly yet fully introduce things without too much didacticism. I like the way you have a short format to you regularly use! Eliminates the need to reinvent every post. Thanks for be-ing!! 💚💚

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Oh, goodness, you’re welcome! I’m glad I could be of help!! 🥰

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    3. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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  3. Love the sweet face on the donkey.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you so much!!! Donkeys have such soulful eyes…


    1. Awww thank you so much!!!

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  4. loved that other people liked the donkeys eyes. It was the first thing I noticed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!!! The real life donkeys eyes were so lovely that I’d hoped to put some of that soulfulness in my painting too. So glad you liked the eyes!!!


  5. anonymous is actually me, Beverly Herndon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Yippee!! Hi Beverly!!! Thank you for this pleasant surprise!!! 💚💚


  6. […] my last post I mentioned that I was working on a smaller piece… Since Spring has begun I’ve heard […]


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